BSR- valmisteluhanke, BSR/Innovation Express, preparation project
Building up the BSR Cluster Collaboration Network to facilitate creation of INDEMP (Intelligent Digital Engineering and Manufacturing Platform)
1.9.2013 – 30.6.2014
Immediate activities
The main priority of the project was to enhance inter-cluster cooperation strategy and collaboration through state-of-the-art ICT-based collaboration approaches – already at the first phase several leading industrial clusters from severe Baltic Sea Region countries were assumed to be involved.
To create a new and open development platform for technology products and to prepare common technology roadmaps to development strategies here the strong collaboration in between INDEMP and Manufacturing Belt and Tampere University of Technologies (TUT) was vital.
To organize the cluster collaboration as well as to initiate RDI projects INDEMP platform will be designed to be attractive for SMEs round the whole Baltic Sea Region, Germany and Scandinavia.
Later severe EU-funded development projects, being based on INDEMP, will be maintained under the same cluster collaboration body.
A functional illustration of INDEMP platform
Collaborating industry clusters and universities
Germany: OWL/NRW, the leading car manufacturing cluster
Norway: NODE – Off-Shore/Mechatronics cluster
Latvia: National metal industry cluster
Finland: Intelligent Machines Finland
Austria: Mechatronics/technical University
Sweden: Mining Industry & Machinery Umeo